Agency: Promoseven Jeddah
Creative Director: Yvan Goudard
Country: Saudi Arabia
. . .

Ok I got an idea, here’s what the voiceover for this should have been:

“Za airoblain use to fly very bad. Za airoblain was bad for yor helss. Za airoblain was slow like man in za desert and could not make za drama abbroach in za sky. But now… za airoblain better.” [clouds part, fleet arrives] “Saudi Airline: Now, za airoblain good.”

My rating for this ad: 0.35/10
The ad with my lil speech added: 4/10
” ” ” ” ” ” ” and have a final shot of the voice actress, who turns out to be this sultry red-haired vixen wearing nothing but a turban, a miniature airplane and a scimitar (exactly where they are on her is your choice): 7/10

Shame Saudi Airlines didn’t have that much creativity. But then again, I’m sure I’ve run across some used tissues with more creativity than this.