“Say no to pornography in the Emirates”

Source: Bayan Newspaper
Country: UAE

I think this is a bit hopeful to say the least. As clever as the
play on the playboy logo is, it’s just a reminder of that
glorious creation that has helped adolescent boys (and quite
a lot of fully grown men) through some rough times.

So now I’m conflicted: I don’t necessarily support porn
but I also believe that mass media should not try to influence
or control public morality (if such a thing exists). So despite
the fact that porn might not be the healthiest outlet for sexual
frustration, the ad is still a bit patronising; leaving me, personally,
feeling a bit iffy about it. All in all though it’s interesting to see
a combination of two things you never want to think of together:
the Arabic language and Playboy.

Valiant effort either way.