Clients can be very annoying. Sometimes, while talking to them, I don’t. All the swear words in the world cannot come together to perfectly describe how I’d like to reply to the crap I’m hearing. Instead I try to block out the mindless babble; Paint lovely images in my mind of beautiful bounty women on lost islands; Stare intensely at a pencil. Anything…

* Deep breath

Off course I am exaggerating a little. But it’s microscopic in littleness. 

So here are some screamers that clients (in Egypt) love doing and that annoy the shit out of me. Please feel free to add to this list as it is no way complete.

Stupid things that clients do:

1) Adding their two cents, whether it’s needed or not

2) Cramming everything and anything into a single ad

3) Choosing the safe option, 100% of the time

4) Making sure to fuck up your design at first chance

5) Coming up with the most cliche ideas known to man 

6) Trying to convince you they can be creative as well

7) Always saying they want something creative and then never accepting it

8) Overusing the word: creative

9) Ridiculous deadlines

10) Last minute changes

11) More last minute changes




Did I miss anything?